Parent Teacher Association (previously known as FOSS)

The FOSS team is a fantastic, friendly group of parents and other members of the community who organise fun events throughout the year to raise funds for additional resources at Silverdale St John’s.  They meet regularly to plan events and share new ideas for other ways to fundraise.  Over the years, they have purchased lots of things for the school, including:

  • Laptops
  • Play resources
  • Books
  • Learning resources
  • playground equipment

If you are a parent who wants to get actively involved within the family of the school, then please join the FOSS team.  The termly meetings are a great way of meeting people and getting to know fellow parents.

The FOSS team organises many fun events for the school, such as:

  • The Christmas Fair
  • Silverdale St John’s Coffee Morning at the Gaskell Hall
  • Discos
  • Silverdale Arts Trail Cafe
  • Summer Fair
  • Christmas pantomimes

All of these are enjoyed immensely by pupils and parents alike.